Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Happy Tuesday morning to you! 
     Haven't had my tea yet because I have been deep in reminiscing. Sometimes I like to travel back down Memory Lane to visit certain places from my past. I may stop in for a brief visit or I may choose to stay for a longer period. I often drink from the vat of the wine of life that was left there, sometimes sweet, sometimes bitter and sometimes bittersweet. While I am visiting, I often open the trunk of lessons learned and pack a fresh bag for carrying back to my present time of abode. Before I leave the land of sunshine and shadow, I always make the time to stop in at Momma's place and breathe deeply of the aroma of uncensored love that permeates the air. Then, I pull my head out of the shadows of "time gone by" and get on with doing the things that will make memories that one day will be a part of my past.
     As I am about to leave the land of shadows of the past, I happen to spy an old trunk shoved into a corner with no sense of being kept.  Upon drawing closer, I see a label on it  with three words, "Woulda, Coulda, and Shoulda." 

I peek under the lid for just a brief look, and 
All sorts of deeds are clamoring for release 
But I slam the lid back down tight on that trunk 
Because its contents do not bring me peace 
And I remember thinking with a feeling of chagrin 
How I would love to revisit that time 
And do some things over again 
I would make sure that the outcome was different 
This time for sure, but the past is the past, 
And with that knowledge, I have to be sure 
That I do what I should and what I can  
 To make easier the lives of my fellowman.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,
Alma L. Stepping On Jones

Would, Could, Should

Some of the things that we
Would do, we don't do
Some of the things that we
Could do, we won't do
And some of the things that
We should have done, we can't do.

Hebrews 13:15-16 

(excerpt from W.O.W. created w.o.w.)

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