Saturday, November 19, 2016

Don't Be Disheartened, Dear!

Good morning, all. I am back on my routine and my world is so much better for it. I will be having my cup of tea shortly and I hope, so will you, yours (coffee, etc.).  Give my best to your loved ones for me.

You know; I thought the topic of not being discouraged had been done to the max but I realize that as long as people are populating the earth, there will always be a periodic need for a discourse on the subject. Having said that, here is an encouraging thought for today. (Be encouraged, person who caused me to write this post in answer to your plea.)

Are you discouraged? Disheartened? Feeling like Job of the Bible sometimes?
Keep doing what you do! Why do I say that? I say that because you have gotten the adversary's attention. But that is no biggie, not really. It is not a biggie because, if in your service to the Lord, you have managed to be dubbed "Positive Polly," not ONLY have you gained the adversary's attention but rest assured that you HAVE THE LORD's ATTENTION AS WELL! Now ask yourself, Who is bigger, the adversary or your FATHER? Exactly! So you keep praying, keep serving, and keep smiling "Positive Polly." You are a blessing to others around you and you are passing the adversary's test with flying colors. And remember, you are not alone, no matter what the adversary would have you think. We are here for you with our prayers, but most importantly, Jesus is here with His legions of angels. Read Psalm 46 and then pray on and walk on, person of God!

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