Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Seeds Sown

Good morning, all. I have a wealth of ideas flowing through my brain and I love every minute of it!

Working on answers to yesterday's blog questions... out of need, we recognize a desire to feed. I will be posting them sometime today, but I am on the road right now.

  • Out of need, we recognize a desire to feed.
(Sorry folks. I am wiped out. I will do a credible job in answering the questions posed on yesterday's blog. but I will do it tomorrow.)

So, you want to be a writer, do you? Yet, you feel like you just don't have what it takes to be one because the ability to write is something that is passed down through the genes ("the big lie"). Well, if you have been doing the reading that I suggested to you, (James Scott Bell, Plot and Structure) then you know that you can be that writer that you have always wanted to be. You now know that "Writers are made, not necessarily born to it." My question to you is this, "What have you done with the disannulment of  'the big lie'"? Just how badly do you want to be a writer?

Me, I want it badly! That is why I have done as Mr. Bell; Sandra Robbins, (Firebrand Series, Targeted,  Hunted and Igniting the Flame); C. S. Lakin and so many other authors have suggested and made a schedule. I don't allow anything of the mundane to interfere with a set amount of time that I have decided to put aside for my writing. So, here is what you do:
  • Write - get it down on paper; don't worry about the correctness of it right now. The polishing can come later.
  • Set yourself a certain number of words for a given day or a given week and stick to that.
  • Don't become discouraged; don't give up! You keep writing!

Seeds have been sown and grown 
The reaper sweeps the land.

For whatsoever a man soweth, so shall he reap.

Upcoming Events

Inspirational Speaker for Ladies Day – Church of Christ at Thirteenth and Lee, Mayfield, KY, October 15, 2016.

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