Sunday, September 4, 2016

For My Good

Hello, all. Coming right along on this journey of mine through this fascinating world of writing. I can tell you one thing. I am glad for your company along the ride. Thank you for that.

Enjoy worship today as you give God praise and thanksgiving for all of His care and for your very being. I plan to do that. Ump! Ump! Ump! Even in my complaining and during the times of my dwindling faith, He continues to love and sustain me! Wow, y'all. Whew, I'm gonna sing my praise when I get to worship and, and I will utter a prayer for you, too and you for me, for my writing and faith journey, okay?

Just so that you know, even in my romance writing, the fact that I am His child will be apparent. "How so?" somebody asks. Easy enough to answer. I live as His child every day of my life and I don't have to tout my chosen route because that is evident in all that I say and all that I do. Even when I meet my neighbor in the supermarket and just give a smile or a kind "Hello," my love for Him is apparent. Enough said, don't you think?

Is there any scriptural verification for the sentiments expressed yesterday in the poem excerpt from page 23 of the book W.O.W. created w.o.w.? As always, please substantiate. (smile) Okay, okay, I hear you; stop complaining already. here is the excerpt again. I had planned to give it to you again, you just needed to be patient.

See You in the ocean waves
That crash the shore with its tide
See You in the invisible barriers
Wherewith, You make the waters subside.

Hm-m-m... I wonder how often that same thing can be said of all of us. You know, when we get so impatient and bent out of shape with situations in our lives when all we needed to do was exercise a little patience. Geesh. When I look back on situations in my life, I can see where that was true. I imagine that you can too. Well, let's try to bear that in mind in our current difficulties and in future difficulties. Bear what in mind, why the fact that if we wait in patience for His will to be done it will come out as He intended, and always for our good. And you know what else, our faith will be made strong during the process. Ah-h-h, this wonderful God that we serve. He is always using events in our lives to tweak us where we need it, thereby making sure that we come forth as pure gold. That brings a song to mind and I will see if I can incorporate it into this session today, okay? Take a listen:

Careful how you go, for you are planting a hard or easy "Row to hoe."

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Multi-county Book Signing (more info to come...)

Standing and Still Steppin',
Alma Jones

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