Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Hey! Guess What?

Hello, all. Grateful for the beginning of another day. 🙏

There is a song that has the words:
"God's got a blessing for me
 If I do all the things He told me to
 Be honest, faithful, kindhearted and true. 
God's got a blessing just waiting for you."

Those words were true when my Momma's daddy taught them to her, when she taught them to me and are true now. Those words have been true since the Lord put His plan in His mind for the salvation of mankind. That is what keeps us going, no matter what comes up in or leaves our lives. We can remain constant because our God is faithful. That makes me want to keep pushing toward heaven and home.

I saw a picture today and I am going to try to upload it for your viewing pleasure. In the event that I am not able to successfully upload it, just picture the most beautiful picture that you have ever seen in nature or in a painting. Now think on this, "It has not entered into the hearts of man, the joys that the Lord has prepared for those that love Him." We are going to be eternally blessed! That, my friend, will be worth it all. And I would live a thousand lifetimes if I were assured of a home with my Lord in that eternal city, so you must know that I am not too stressed about the happenings of this one. After all, He has it all under control. I just have to avail myself of the protection that He has afforded under His wings.

Doing What I Can, While I Can,
Alma Jones

Working and waiting for my blessing. I feel a song coming on...

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