Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Sheer Faith

Good morning, all! Happy Tuesday morning to you. Have you had your breakfast yet? Me? No, I have not. I got an early start this morning, but only on brainstorming with my self about and doing writing connected stuff.
Take a look at what I put on my Twitter this morning. You can tell me what you think via the new email that I have set up strictly for my blog readers. (blogjoneswow@gmail.com) As you have taken the journey with me, I wanted you to be able to contact me whenever you felt the need to. I hope this meets with your satisfaction. I have a couple of other changes that I am implementing, as well. I will keep you posted as they come to fruition.

You like? Let me know what you think.

Doing What I Can, While I Can,
Alma Jones

By God's grace, through my faith...

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