Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day!

Hello, all. Happy Mother's Day to mothers around the world! May 8, is celebrated as Mother's Day where I live. Mom, your children are the greatest gift that the Lord has given to you, with the exception of His life. Always try to live and teach so that you do Him proud, as children learn what they live and practice it for a lifetime in preparation for living for all time. Your children will sing the song that you teach them.
To Children the World Over:
Cherish your mother; she is the best friend that you will ever have, if she is still on this time side of life. Live a life that will cause you to "sing that sweet song" that she taught you as you were growing up. That will do her heart good. If, however, your mother has passed on to the other side, then remind people of the song that she taught you by singing her song, still.

My mother, bless her heart, is gone from
Me, and I get to see her face no more
But I live my life as a credit to Jesus through her
She taught me to try to live for Him
All of my days
And she told me that if I did
I would be blessed in so many ways
And I would get to see her again, on that other shore.

The blog piece that I did on Friday was entitled, "A Sweet Tune." I have just expounded upon that title a little bit, which is what I asked you to do in Question 1 of the "For Pondering" section. This title did not refer to a literal song, but rather, a way of living the morals and instruction that you have been taught, thereby encouraging others to do the same. There is a scripture that says, "Happy is the nation whose God is the Lord." That means that if you practice Godly living, then you will be setting a good example for your fellowmen who have not been instructed in how to do so, and you will be encouraging the rest of your fellowmen to continue in fighting the good fight of faith. You will be singing a sweet tune, and there is nothing, nothing that you can do that will please the Lord more! Why? You will be "talking the talk and walking the walk," too. THEN, WHEN AND IF A NATION GETS INTO TROUBLE, GOD WILL BE WITH THEM TO BRING THEM THROUGH. This has been proven throughout the annals of history.

Question 2 from Fridays blog asked why the inspirational calendar was named as it is.  In conjunction with what has been said in this blog today, that title says it all. The title of the calendar is W.O.W. created w.o.w., "Momma Said." It means that this calendar is a reminder to try to live out the Godly principles that you have been taught.

Question 3 asked you to explain the blue highlighted section from Friday’s blog, which said, "Careful what and how you plant, for that bush may be pulled from by someone else to save one of your own."  That section simply means that everything that you do, whether good or not, will come back to you and it never comes back in the amount that you put it out in. If you try to practice being kind and helping, then the Lord may orchestrate the circumstances of your life so that your posterity may receive a blessing from it.

So, to the world in general, look at this poem and take it to heart.

 Somebody's child may be watching you 
So be careful what they hear you say
And be careful what they see you do.

Just sayin'...

Doing What I Can, While I Can,
Alma Jones

Aside - One generation teaches the next one and that generation teaches another... Again, Mothers enjoy your day and children, "Do something special for Mom, if nothing but a card and the dishes or sweep the floor. Her heart will cherish every gesture, even if she never says so. You will be building memories for her to pull out her pondering bag when she gets older.

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