Thursday, April 7, 2016

Standing Out

Good morning, everyone. I hope that you always BYDWP. I don't say it as often as I used to, but I figure it doesn't hurt to be reminded from time to time. If you begin your day with prayer, people will notice your prayerful attitude. You won't have to say a word, they will just notice you by the things that you do and don't do. You might even be ridiculed for a time, but when crunch time comes, you will find that often, even your adversary, will request your help through prayer.

Sometimes standing up
Means standing out
To stand alone.

Because He loved me
That's what Jesus did
For my sins to atone.

Yes, He is my indemnity
So, I'll work for Him until
I am gone.
Doing What I Can, While I Can,
Alma Jones

For Pondering
1. Define indemnity.
2. For verse two, provide a challenging vocabulary word to replace one of the ones in the verse.
3. Write a cinquain that carries the same sentiment that is expressed in this poem.
4. Write a piece of prose that tells a story similar to the one in this poem.

Aside 1 - Though my piece is short today, I did want to give those of you who prefer it, something to sink your thinking teeth into. Tee hee

Aside 2 - Yes, that means that I will have to do a story, as well. But, that is okay, I'm willing, if it pleases your reading taste buds.  Oh yeah, something else I didn't tell you.  I am undertaking the writing if a novella! Yep, I am going to do it, if it is the Lord's will. Why? Well, someone asked me to do one. You know me, if you ask me to write it, I will give it my best effort. I will keep you posted from time to time about the progress of it. This is a pretty daunting task! But that's okay. I like trying to produce new literary works.

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