Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Pushing Onward

Hello, all.
Just a quick word for the day.
Oftentimes, only ultimately pushes us onward.

What is your take on the above sentence?

Doing What I Can, While I Can
Alma Jones

Aside 1 - Okay, have you had an ample amount of time to ponder over the italicized statement?  In short, it is the same thing that we talked about yesterday.  Whether it is heartache, pain, sorrow, disappointment, grief, betrayal, etc, always remember that that burden cannot last always. It is but a page in the plan book of your life. Why do I say that? Well, think about it; from start to finish, your story was written before you were born! The ending has already been written. All you have to do, my friend, is stay the course.

You know, "The buck stops here." That means everything, and I do mean everything, every heartache, every disappointment, every betrayal, etc. stops with the Lord. You see; one day those "troublemakers" will be allowed to wreak havoc no more and as I have said before, they and all their "kin" will not be allowed inside heaven's door!  Can't you just imagine when you have been hard ridden all the way to the other side and those old denizens think that they can sail right through the city gates with you. Ha ha ha, I have told you before that I am a skipper and that is true. What I am going to do is fall out laughing when trouble, heartache, disappointment, and all of the rest of that crowd are stopped cold at the gate. They cannot say, we are with her. Ha ha ha ha! That won't wash and I will lie down and howl with laughter, then I will hop up and do what I have told you that I would do, start my skipping. I'm gonna skip high and skip long, if they let me. But I know I won't be the first one to go beserk with happiness, so they will all probably say something like, "It's okay; she just arrived from below." Tee hee

Actually, I don't know how it will go, but I tell you this, whenever He wipes my final tears and turns me loose in the streets of glory, I will skip! It's as simple as that. And I just might howl with glee, too. One thing for sure, no matter what form it takes, I will rejoice! You too?

Aside 2 - I felt like I didn't do all I should have yesterday to paint you a picture of my joy when I get home, so I attempted to do it today. I just wanted to give us all some additional stamina for those times when life gets in the way. Enjoy the painting I tried to paint, as you waltz through a favorite poem of mine from our soon to be "held in hand book,"  W.O.W. created w.o.w.

Heading for That Rise

I'm on my way home with joy in my step
I'm getting closer to my journey's end
It's the thought of heaven that has always kept
Me plodding on through many a storm and contrary wind.

Joy quickens my soul; I'm headed for that rise
For when I get to the top of the mountain
I'm headed to a meeting in the skies.

You can't stop me now; I'm on the run
My struggles are just about over 
And my race is just about run.

It was hard scaling valleys and climbing high mountains
But hallelujah folks, I can see the waters
Of that great crystal fountain.

All I have to do is climb this last hill and them I'm home
Glory to GOD, folks, the Angels are coming to meet me
To show me that I'm not alone
Move over enemy; you can't stop me now
I see the wonders of Glory
And all I can say is, "W.O.W.!"

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