Sunday, March 27, 2016

Him Ready Now

Good morning to you. Today is what a lot of the world calls Easter.  Do you have particular traditions that go with this day? In my part of the world they do. Children get all dolled up and can barely wait to get to the colored eggs and tear open their Easter pails or baskets and later in the day, to have the grand Easter egg hunt. And among the adult population, people get dressed up to attend worship that have not been to worship in almost a year. Go figure their reasoning. At any rate, there is a general hubbub this morning with everyone jockeying for their turn in the bathroom.

The children have all been scrubbed clean and made to sit down and threatened with a spanking if they mess their clothes up. You know how antsy little ones get when they are all dolled up and ready to go. They will take turns peeking to see how close to finishing the adults are. If  there is an uncle who, as I mentioned, falls into the "once or twice a year crowd,"  the children will watch him especially now because he is usually the last one to be finishing up in the getting ready department.

Among children, there is always one that stands out as a bold little leader and that one is usually the youngest. Why it's usually the youngest, I don't know, but that is a story for another day. With our little sentinel watching his every move, while the other adults, impatiently wait for him, the uncle, at last, puts his finishing touch on, his shoes! Our little sentinel, what does he do? He rushes into the family room to announce, "Him ready now!" That is so endearing and so cute, isn't it? That statement means that the uncle is "dressed to the nines."

Jesus came to this earth with a mission. It was to bring man back to God. That means that He came knowing that He was destined to die on the cross, yet because of His love for you and me, He stuck with the plan. That is some kind of love isn't it? The scripture says that when he got up, all power was given to Him. (Matthew 28:18) and like the bold little kid said, "Him ready now."  "Ready for what?" somebody said. Ready for whatever and whomever. "Bring it! Step to me!"  It's like He said, "I came; I died; I conquered; I am victorious! You don't want to mess with me or with mine." Folks, that is a statement that ought to give every person cause for joy upon hearing it. Why? Well, look at what has happened. Love, in the person of Jesus, God, left the heavenly realm to come to earth to dwell among men because He wanted to save man. And now that God, Who died for us has been given all power! Whew, that is powerful! That means that He loves me, even me.

Because of His love for me, He has set certain things in motion, among which is prayer. In Hebrews 4:16, He says, "Come before my throne with confidence where you will find grace for help in time of need." That statement says, ask what you will, I will hear." It further implies, "I died for you; you are Mine; I will take care of you."

Now, that we know that that scripture is in the Bible, and we know how much He cares, we ought to worry about nothing! He has already shown us how much He cares. So with that knowledge, when we have cares and concerns, we need to remember to take it to Jesus.

So when my enemy talks about me; lies on me; does me wrong and works all manner of evil against me I'm gonna tell Jesus. Somebody said, "Well, you ain't nothing but a tattletale." That alright, I'm gonna tell Him anyhow. You may not know, so I am here to tell you that He sees and He knows already what you have done, are doing, and will try to do to me. The scripture says that He sits high and He looks low and as I just told you, has all power in His hands. Those words folks ought to make you get up and go when you have been so beaten down that you thought your "get up and go" had gone.

To people of God, I want to remind you that whatever your concerns are, sickness, finance, enemies, take it to Jesus for He is able. Him ready now!
Somebody said, "The economy is so bad." I say, "Him ready now."
Somebody said, "Terrorists walk the land." The scriptures say, "Fear not him who can destroy the body, but Him, Who can destroy both body and soul in hell." I say, "Him ready now!" To whatever, I say, "Him ready now!"

Doing What I Can, While I Can
Alma Jones

Aside - I will go back and clear up typos and errors in a bit. I just wanted to get this posted for you asap.

Aside 2 - You see; I told you, "He is able!"

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