Sunday, November 1, 2015

Don't Be So Hard

Hello to all! A glorious autumn morning it is, wouldn't you say? Go! Go! Get your coffee so that you can begin your day with a smile and not with a grunt. (Smile)

I hope you remembered to set your clocks back last night, but if you didn't it's not the end of the world. Go do it now, no big deal.

Having said that, to the business at hand. How often in life do we mess up royally and beat ourselves up to the point of feeling worthless?
Not so! Jesus paid the price for your sins a long time ago. He did not die so that you could languish in the land of "Do nothing" under the guise of feeling unworthy. We were all unworthy when He died and nothing has changed. We just have to continue to work for Him, though the tendency to sin from time to time still remains. We have to remember that His blood continues to remove every stain.
So, forgive yourself; get up and go to worship and begin anew to live for Him. And remember, "The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power." It will keep us until that's"Great Gettin' Up Mornin" and I'm glad about it! 

Doing What I Can, While I Can
Alma Jones

Aside - Gonna go throw my Sunday dinner in the oven after I stir up breakfast for the family. Lord willing, I will blog with you on tomorrow.

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