Friday, October 30, 2015

What A Blessing You Are!

Hey everybody! Good, good morning to you! Coffee done? Good, then let's get this blogging thing done for the day, shall we?
In reference to the mother that we prayed for yesterday and all the other troubled mothers, I pray God's continued peace upon their hearts.

Now, what about you? You doing okay? Family okay? All right with your world as you continue your trek through time? Well, freeze the moment because so that you can always have it available when/if the bottom ever drops out.  Okay, I digress, so let me tell you what happened to me yesterday. You know I wrote the piece about a heavy hearted mother, right? Well, I was moved to post that on my Facebook page on yesterday and today I received a blessing as a result.

As most of you know, I taught school for 30 years. That is a whole lot of years to spend in a lifetime doing one thing, you know?  One of the parents of a former student of mine thanked me for the piece and tanked me for the way that I handled her child in my classroom. Here are her comments, exactly:

You have done well my child...if u remember u taught 1 of my children. ..what a blessing u are!

 Uhm hum, well, that comment got me to thinking. What a legacy! I have been  and still am making my marks on the sands of time! It's nice to think that the marks that we make that are slated to be deemed permanent, are marks of love and care. It set me to thinking even more so than usual about the time that the roll up yonder will be called. You know, it is humbling and joy infusing to be told that you are a blessing! I say, "Thank You Lord for using me in your service by allowing me to touch lives, however briefly, in a positive way!"  To GOD be the glory!

Doing What I Can, While I Can
Alma Jones

Aside - Lets all make a concious effort to do more for Him than we have in the past, a simple smile, a handshake, etc. for we are making marks on time against that day when we shall stand before the throne and hear read from the book, the deeds that we have done. It gonna be a great Gittin Up Morning! 

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