Thursday, October 29, 2015

A Mother's Heavy Heart

Morning everyone! Have a serious concern this morning. Go get your coffee and get the sleep out of your eyes because we have some serious work to do this morning. I trust that I can count on you. You have spoiled me, you know. How? Well, whenever I have something serious on my mind you are there to listen to me, right? So, you spoiled me. Tee hee  Alright a lame attempt at taking some of the gravity out of a stressful situation.

Never-the-less, here we go. I received a request yesterday from a mother who has a child in some sort of trouble. I don't know the particulars and it matters not. What does matter is that I have been instructing you to always begin your day with prayer, right? Well, today I want to utilize that well-honed skill. You see, this mother wants to look her baby in the face and tell him that everything is going to be alright. If you have ever seen a woman whose child was in trouble, then you know the anguish that most mothers would feel. If you don't, then think on this. When a mother brings that baby into the world, that most precious gift, she watches over him for every pimple, every whimper, every everything, right? Well, when the time comes, through various situations in life, that she cannot put her mother's scanning eyes on him, for assessment, that becomes a problem. It becomes the kind of problem that gnaws at her stomach, robs her of sleep and eats at her soul!

That baby! That precious baby that she has known where he was for every waking  moment...causes her  to wail outwardly and inwardly, "Oh Lord Jesus! Take care of my baby! You gave him to me and I tried to do the best I could by him but now, I can't see him! Lord, help me! Oh Jesus! I can't take much more! Oh Lord! Can YOU hear me? Jesu-u-s!!! My soul is torn!!! Jesu-u-s!!!"

Did you feel the mother's pleading anguish; did you see her streaming tears; did you hear the guttural screams?  Yes, I plead guilty to pulling your heart strings. I plead guilty to wanting to emotionally involve you so that we can have prayers going up around the globe for every mother who has such longing, such pain. I want you to join me in prayer for all hurting mothers, okay? And while we are over this territory, I want to pray for children everywhere, throughout the cosmos, for every child does not have a warm blanket with loving arms to tuck him or her in at night. Let's begin our prayer, shall we?

Dear Lord Jesus, please hear our prayers this morning on behalf of the mother that requested help for her child and on behalf of mothers everywhere who may be in similar constraints and on behalf of children everywhere. Please give mothers, who are troubled in heart that special peace that surpasses all understanding  as only you can give. And then Dear Lord Jesus, please bless children everywhere. Please employ your special power to enable doors to open so that mothers can caress their children once again with their eyes and if it is Your will, enfold them in their arms one more time. Please endow said children of those mothers with the secure knowledge that their mothers are praying for them like she never prayed before! Thanking You in advance for your grace in this and all situations, in Jesus name we pray, Amen!
If you participated in the prayer with us this morning, I want to thank you. Why was I led to lead a prayer on my blog, don't know! All I know is that the Bible says that the prayers of the righteous availeth much. 

Yes, this was a new experience for me too, but you know what, if I can help someone by a publicly written prayer, then so be it! After all, Isaiah 50:4 tells me to be an encourager and that is what we just did. Be blessed in your day and in your life is my prayer.

Doing What I Can, While I Can,
Alma Jones

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