Saturday, September 5, 2015



As a young person when
I first went to college
I knew what my life was about
I knew what I wanted to be
I had my life plans all laid out.

I knew the number of kids
That I would, someday have
I knew the type of home
That I would someday buy 
For I had grabbed life by the tail 
And I was reaching for the sky.

What I didn't realize was
That it was not all about me
It was about my life PLANNER
The GOD of all eternity.

When I wanted to go left
But had to go right
I shrugged off the inconvenience
And kept my well laid-out
Plans within my sight.

When I tripped and fell
While running my race
I picked myself up, dusted
My knees, and wiped my face.

I kept skipping along
Though I had to hobble now and again
I kept moving toward my dreams
Though sometimes, I was too winded
To sing my song.

By the time I had climbed 
A few mountains and labored up some hills
I began to wonder to myself
“Hey! Wonder what's up; what gives?
For this is not the type of life
That I had planned to live."

Then I thought about Jonah 
From the Bible days
Who had not wanted to do
GOD’s bidding; who wanted to follow 
His own ways.

But that was Jonah and
I am me
Besides the GOD of the Bible
Does not have special plans for me.

HE deals with superstars like David
Daniel, Elijah and the Hebrew Boys
He does not bother with folk like you and me
Who have always been free to do
Whatever we enjoyed.

Then why are all these things
Happening to me
An elderly neighbor said to me one day
“You are not your own boss
Jesus has the final say.

Plans were made for you
Way before you were born
You have to take your faith in your hand
And begin your GOD-planned sojourn.

You see, Jeremiah 29:11 says that
The LORD does have plans for you
So baby-girl just you wait and
See where HE leads you to."

Yes ultimately, HE has the final say
I'm just glad that HE gives us time
To change our planned route
According to what HIS plans say.

Though this day be filled with 
Chaos and storms
I know that this page is but one
From the plan book that was
Written before I was born.

So, I'll not worry about what's coming ahead
Because just like the lilies of the field
And the sparrows of the air
HE has always kept me clothed
And has always kept me fed.

I'll just lean on HIM because, ultimately
HE cares for me; I know
Because HE finished this story
Of mine, a long time ago.

Ultimately, ultimately
What a word; what a word
One of the most beautiful words that
I have ever heard.

So, I would not change one step of
My journey as I found the path for my life
I'll just hold on to “ultimately” and say…

🎶“Ultimately, oh-h-h ultimately
Ultimately, oh-h-h ultimately
GOD has a plan, a plan for me
And the name of that plan, I call “Ultimately.”🎤

Aside: GOD Finds superstars among common folk. Just sayin'

Doing What I Can, While I Can

Alma Jones

Aside -  3 Books Published to Date:
A Suspenseful Paranormal Event (prose)
AVIA (poetry)
DEI Sub Numine Viget (poetry) Under GOD's Spirit, She Flourishes
(20% of all sales go to my charity.)
All books available at and, Promised Land Bookstore (Paris, TN) and Books And More, Paris, Tn

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