Saturday, September 19, 2015

September 19, Lesson on Faith

Good Saturday Morning! Hold on; hold your horses. It's coming... I'm so near done, it will be smoking. (Smile) You, in the meantime, if you have not already done so, BYDWP (Begin your day with prayer.)

GOD likes faith! Wait! You glossed over that too quickly! I said that GOD likes faith. If you and I will keep our faith when the ordinary person will lose it, that says something for us and about us to our GOD. Just like HE rewarded Abraham and all of those people of faith written about in Hebrews, chapter 11, HE will reward you and me too. But we gotta' keep the faith. (Reprinted from my blog written on April 10, 2015)

You say, “That may be true, but how do you get faith?” I just love your questions and I hope that when we finish this blogging session on faith that question will have been answered satisfactorily and several others as well.

So, let's begin our application story for today, shall we?

Gina sat back with a blissful sigh. She always did when her Mom finished whatever story she was telling them.  Tonight's story had been “Jack and the Beanstalk.” That was one of her favorites!
Still in the grips of the blissful storybook moment, Gina said to her Mom, “Momm-u-h! Wouldn't it be good if magic beans were real?”
Oh the scoffing  laughter that burst forth from her brothers. "Ha ha ha ha Man, are you dumb! There's no such thing as magic beans! You're so stupid! Ha ha ha ha!”  To which, her Mom replied, “Leave your sister alone, boys. And yes, Gina, it would be nice,  but that's only in fairy tales. Alright everybody! Scoot! Off to bed you guys….”
The next day, Gina’s Momma sat her down and said,…(To be cont. on tomorrow)

You see I told you I wouldn't be long!
Be blessed.

Doing What I Can, While I Can
Alma Jones

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