Sunday, September 13, 2015

Glorious Sunday

Good morning all of you early risers! Me? I often do this, so this is no biggie for me. I think that when you live in a writer's world, you get used to doing, thinking and seeing things in unusual ways.

Be that as it may, I am blogging today to remind us all that this is HIS day and that we need to be making preparations to attend worship and get our praise on! If we do it just right, "in spirit and in truth", we will leave the worship service fired up and ready to go forth with enough spiritual fuel to take us through the week!

Remember the singing that I told you that I was going to on yesterday? Well, I needn't have been anxious at all about my performance at all.  As it turned out, I killed it, or so they told me anyway. I was not nervous at all. That just goes to show you once again, the power of prayer! Speaking of, I hope you have already BYDWP; I did!

Be blessed! Gotta run stir up some breakfast. Hot biscuits? And you know this!

Doing What I Can, While I Can
Alma Jones

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