Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Do You Show Love In the Wielding of Your Power?

WHO allowed you to be in the position of power that you enjoy so well?  Do you ever think about the fact that you are going to be held accountable for what you do while you wield your power? Who told you that you don't have to answer to anyone? Who told you that you are invincible? No man, no matter how powerful he thinks he is, is invincible! Just like HE allowed you to rise up, HE can bring you down! 

It does not matter whether you are a dictator of a country, CEO of a company, executive director of an organization, nurse in a hospital or caretaker in a nursing home, etc. If you wield power, in that other people's lives are impacted by your whims,  then you need to tread kindly. Check your history, both biblical and secular. You will find that the script has often been flipped.

Now, you have gotten my attention, but I don't matter. I wonder WHO ELSE's attention you have gotten! Hm-m-m? If this blog has bothered you in the least, if only to make you squirm for just a second in your mind, consider yourself notified. The result of the notification depends upon you, now doesn't it?
It is supposed to be all about love isn't it?...Just sayin'.

Until we meet...

Doing What I Can, While I Can

Alma Jones

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