Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Belated February Hello!

Whew! It is as busy as a bee that I have been! Nevertheless, "Good day, or should I say good evening?" I hope that you are faring well. Me? I am doing well, thank you for asking.

So, we have a new month, over one week gone. (Sorry 'bout that.) Let's get right to the business at hand.

It is in honor of Black History that I pen today's blog.

We stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us because they shed blood, sweat and tears and did without so that we...(to be continued)

The Journey
Back in the Springville area of rural Henry County
Is where the Russell and Porter Family began its journey
Life was hard back then and
Things being what there were
Our fore-parents had to live from day to
Day and knew not what might occur
There was only one kind of work that
Black People, back then, had
And that was to do what the landowner told them to do,
Whether it was good or bad
 It didn’t matter where their interest lay
Or what skills they possessed
They had to do what they were told to do,
Just like all the rest
But wait; hold on!  Our ancestors had a
Dream of and also had the foresight
To see a day when their children could live,
With the promise of a future that was bright
So after much discussion,
And with a lot of thought
A move was made to Paris, TN,
Where a better life could be sought
Still had the same chickens that
Strutted across the yard
Still had that bad rooster that
Used to peck my granny so hard
Still had the hogs, that used to squeal
When hog killing time came round
Still had outside toilets, into which
Lime was stirred, to keep the odor down
Still from the pump or the well,
Water had to be hauled
Still had to build a fire for cooking with the
Wood or coal from the bucket by the wall
Still had to heat water for the
Weekly “all over bath”
Let’s see; how many buckets to fill the tub?
Forget it; you do the math
After which, still had to jump in bed
Quickly, so as not to get a chill
Because Granny would give them a dose of
That brown stuff, if they dared to get ill
Still had to put out buckets
Whenever rains would pour
Still could see the chickens beneath the house,
Through the cracks in the floor
What was so different that our fore-parents made
The move at all, is a question you might ask
Well hold on, give me a minute,
And let me finish my task
You see, job opportunities were ripe, for
An enterprising person in Paris, Tennessee
Because a preacher, doctor, teacher, lawyer,
Dentist or principal, a studious person could be
Still yet, plumbers, cooks, storeowners, ice cream vendors,
Domestic workers and mechanics did abound, don’t you see
Juke joint owners, funeral home directors, photographers and
Cab stand owners complete the list for me
Now do not think that life was only work
Because that, simply is not true
Because the Black church was an institution
From which a lot of activities did ensue
The building, itself, served as a meeting
Place for many civic activities
Namely the Black Business Council, the Boy Scouts,
The Girl Scouts and various other committees
The churches held revivals and programs to include
An Easter program, with the ever present Easter speech
And through the schools, every child was taught,
Their highest potential to reach
All I am saying is our fore-parents did their level best to leave
A legacy that should instill a sense of pride in you
So be sure to check out the Who’s Who of Paris, Tennessee
And see if that “ sense of pride” does not begin to accrue.

From DEI Sub Numine Viget
by Alma Jones

Somebody said, "From whence have you come?"
Then a weary but resolute voice replied, "We have come over a way that with tears has been watered..."

1.  What is the quote mentioned just above a part of?
2.  What are you doing with what has been left for you?

The family mentioned above is just one of many examples of the legacy many of us have been left. What are we doing with it?  What are you doing with the tears of your fore parents? What are you doing with the blood of the slaughtered? When you leave this world to go take your sweet rest, what are you going to leave behind? For as sure as you are breathing, you are building some kind of foundation for  posterity, some legacy. What is the building code according to you? Would you take that sweet little grandbaby and position his/her little feet according to the blueprint that you have made?
Just sayin...just sayin.

To GOD be the glory...Let's remember, appreciate, and grow...

Until we meet...
Doing What I Can, While I Can

My Book - Readers are asking for a sequel to it already.  They want to know what happens next.  That is good news to hear because, as a writer, you often wonder how receptive the reading public will be to "A new kid on the block, so to speak." To answer your question, "Yes! There will be a Part II to A Suspenseful Paranormal Event.  

Keynote Speaker 
Sunday, February 15, 2015, 5 p.m.
Old Fulton Rd. Church of Christ, 110 Old Fulton Rd.
Martin, TN

Quip for the Month:
"Live life so that people can see Jesus by your side."

Quote for February:
"For I am comfortable no place where Jesus is not welcome!"

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