Saturday, March 11, 2017

You Have Had Enough!

I could have chosen a title that said, "When the Lord says, 'It's over', it's over." In the book of Deuteronomy, we find that the Israelites had been moved to a place of punishment because of their sin against the Lord. But their punishment time was over and the Lord told Moses that it was time for the people to move. 
(v. 6v. 7): You have dwelt long enough in this mount. This was the mount that burned with fire (Heb. 12:18 ), and gendered to bondage, Gal. 4:24 . Thither God brought them to humble them, and by the terrors of the law to prepare them for the land of promise. There he kept them about a year, and then told them they had dwelt long enough there, they must go forward. Though God brings his people into trouble and affliction, into spiritual trouble and affliction of mind, he knows when they have dwelt long enough in it, and will certainly find a time, and a way to bring them out.This says to me that the storm of God's anger that was generated because of the children of Israel's involvement with the golden calf  was over now. They had learned their lesson, had been humbled, and had shown their repentent state to the Lord.  See Rom. 8:15 . The Lord was getting ready to bless them now. (v. 7); He was going to give them a land all their own. Behold I have set the land before you, v. 8. When God commands us to go forward in our Christian course he sets the heavenly Canaan before us for our encouragement. (Matthew Henry) (My insertation within this quote is highighted in orange.)
I think that when we have learned the lesson from our storm(s) that the Lord intended for us to learn, then He moves us from that place in our lives to a place of peace, to a land flowing with milk and honey and with still waters and pastures green. I don't mean literally move to a new place of abode, but to be troubled no more about whatever situation that has been on our hearts so badly that we could scarce sleep. Then we can shout with the best of them and say, "My storm is over now for the Lord has delivered me!" You can mentally prepare yourself for your blessing by thinking, "My blessing is on the way and I am thankful and glad about it!"

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,
Alma L. Stepping On Jones

Blog P.S. - Praise the Lord, y'all. "I wouldn't take nothing for my journey now".

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