Friday, March 17, 2017

He Has Blessed Me

Good morning to each of you! I certainly hope that you have a great day. Give your best to your loved ones for me.

Here is a snippet on faith for you to ponder over:

Footsteps of Faith

The footsteps of faith from the past have charted
My course from which I have grown
And have me looking toward the future... 
All from the past that I've known.

  1. Explain the phrase,  footsteps of faith from line one.
  2. What can be inferred from line two?
  3. What is line three referring to?
  4. Compose a short essay on this poem.
Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,
Alma L. Stepping On Jones

Blog P. S. - 1.8K likes on facebook on one poem and 1.3K likes on another. To God be the glory! I am yet, agog!

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