Sunday, August 7, 2016

Laying on of Hands

Hello, all. Today, I wanted to talk about man's propensity for using violence against other men. Bullies, whether schoolyard, neighborhood, or worldwide, use violence or the threat of it to control others. In prison, inmates often use brute force against other inmates, the guards, etc.  But, think how wonderful our world would be if we used the laying on of hands in a caring manner as our Saviour did. While we do not have miraculous powers as He does, we can still give a soothing pat, a gentle squeeze, a full hug, etc. all to say, "I love you." Ah-h-h, how sweet twould be...

But, one day, we will get the laying on of hands and trouble, sorrow, etc., will be no more. He has promised to wipe all of the tears from our eyes. Nothing but joy and happiness will be ours forevermore! That, folks, will make it all worthwhile. Ah-h-h, how sweet twill be...

Revelation 7:17
for the Lamb in the center of the throne will be their shepherd, and will guide them to springs of the water of life; and God will wipe every tear from their eyes."
and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away."

GOD's Gonna Take Me Home

If you see me cry as I try to do my JESUS’s will
If you see me struggle as I take my walk up trouble hill
If you hear me moan, as I go along my way
Just know my dear brother and my sister
That GOD’s “gonna” take me home one day.

Then all of the struggling for me will be o’er
And I’ll join saints from bygone days
Upon that celestial shore.

Revelations 21

1. What is the mood and the theme of the poem?


Touch of My Master’s Hand

Something I understand is that one day
My MAKER will touch me
With HIS powerful hand
And all of my tears will be wiped away
And with the hosts of heaven
I will get to stay.

Rev. 7:17

1.     Write a paragraph depicting the scene presented in the poem.

Doing What I Can, While I Can,
Alma Jones

Aside - Let's all strive to give a soothing pat, a gentle squeeze, a full hug, etc., while we can.

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