Thursday, June 23, 2016

At Last Finale

Good morning, all! Whew! I must have been worn out from the traveling. I had this done on yesterday and tried mightily to connect on last night so that I could post this for you. Technology or me, sheesh, but where would we be without it, no? At any rate, here are five cinquains for the intangible taken from the highlighted section of Tuesday's blog:

What you

Show to others
Will be reflected back
Via the eyes of your neighbor
You know?


My child

Do not stress about
The pain that you go through
For you are destined to win with
My plan.


Works together for good
Keeps a man on the solid path
To growth.
Your pain
And your anguish
Are there for a twofold
Purpose; to encourage others...
You grow.
My child
Prepared, equipped
For your journey without
Your even being aware and

In the literal, the blue section could be saying, " I knew that one day, you would go away, so I taught you some roadside survival skills. I made sure you knew how to change a tire, check your air, get your car serviced, etc. On your last day at home, I even packed a picnic hamper for you. I put all of the niceties inside that I knew you liked. Also, arrangements have been made for you to receive a care package every month. You, dear child, will discover with the months that pass, the extent of the love that I have for you.

Love always,

Here is my shape poem for the literal:

So, blog reader of mine, you keep stepping forward and if you have been dubbed a "Pollyanna," just keep on doing the good that you try to do, because as has been so amply proven through the passage of time, "It all comes out in the wash."

Doing What I Can, While I Can,

Alma Jones

Aside - I am finishing this blog up as we are leaving Chattanooga, in route to Orlando. I will consider myself on vacation for the next  five days, so I won't post a blog, unless I see something that I know you would like to hear about. Please pray for the success of the book signing and display in Orlando. BYDWP always.

Aside 2 - I am on the road just like the person in the poem. Well, well, well...

Aside 3 - I am in Orlando and from what I could see last night as we made our way in, it is a place that sparks my writer's instinct.

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