Friday, April 22, 2016

Day of Correcting

Hello, all. Spent the day correcting the interior galley on W.O.W. created w.o.w. Had quite a time of it.  Had to do it twice because I made the corrections in red and they did not come through the email. So I had to do them over in black. Whew! Oh well, that is part of writing.

Oh, let me tell you something! I wrote a couple of lines of music for our book! I mean I wrote the music, myself. Can you believe it? I picked out the melody on the piano and drew the notes in on treble clef paper. I know next to nothing about music, but apparently I knew enough to get it down on paper. You will have to tell me what you think when you hear the couple of lines of the refrain to "Ultimately." You know that I am going to put that into my jar for the year! Have you been remembering to put your positives in your jar? I know. I have been a bit remiss, myself. But I am back at it. It is going to be so sweet when I open that jar at the end of the year. (Tee hee)

Well that is all for the day. Will blog with you on tomorrow. Sort of beat for the day.

Doing What I Can While I Can,
Alma Jones

Aside 1 - Hm-m, the title for today is interesting, don't you think?

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