Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Blessed Assurance

Blessed Assurance
Jesus is mine
Oh what a foretaste
Of glory divine
Heir of salvation
Purchase of God
Born of His Spirit
Washed in His blood.

This is my story
This is my song
Praising my Savior
All day long
This is my story
This is my song
Praising my Savior
All the day long.

Good morning! Hope all is going well for you. Me, I am doing okay. Getting ready to prepare a meal for my family for tomorrow. The song that I just gave you the words to above, means a lot to me and to you too, if you but think about it.  "Blessed Assurance" says that He died for us. It says that We are wrapped in His love. It says that no matter what this life may hurl at us or put us through, He has a place that He is preparing for us.

Those words carry me through whatever I may go through. Those words keep hope stirred up in my spirit and joy bubbling in my heart, even through my frustration and tears. Those words mean that we have an everlasting hope. Because I am so thankful, I share that hope with you and the rest of the world. I think that I am going to do a series of lessons on this song. The blogs should take about four to five days. Yep, I think that I will do just that. Enjoy your family, if this is a special gathering time for you and if not, enjoy them anyway.
Well, gotta run. Life and duties call!

Doing What I Can, While I Can
Alma Jones

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