Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Ah, Sweet Melodious Wednesday!

Hello everyone! It's a little late to be talking about coffee so I will forego that. (Tee hee) Same problems as yesterday? Yes and no! Explanation - the problems are the same but the manner of solving them has changed. How? I took "Me" out of the way and gave them all to Jesus and waited to see what He would cause the world to do and to say.  You see, I realized that sometimes, sometimes, I am my own worst enemy. Why do I say that? Well, sometimes, I think that I won't bother the Lord until something is really huge or some other non-sensical idea as such. I realized that if it bothered me, then He wants and waits for me to turn things over to Him, whether large or small.

So, I turned my several small things over to Him to handle along with some larger issues that I had already turned over. One of the larger issues,  I am proud to say, has been resolved, and how!!
Now, I have a restful spirit as I continue to bless people with tidbits and tales about my experiences with Him. One day, you will look back on your particular trial and realize that you too, have a story to tell!

And you know what? If nobody wants to read it,  tell it to the trees, mountains and other citizens of nature and keep my get your praise on anyway! Woo! Got a song stirring!

Be blessed; you hear?

Doing What I Can, While I Can
Alma Jones

Aside - Why don't you buy the following song by Aretha Franklin and let your soul be blessed by the way she croons the notes. I bought my copy and have played it for several years.

When you are down, in trouble and you need some loving care
And ain't nothing going rig-g-h-ht
Close your eyes and meditate on Him
And so-o-on, He will be there
To brighten up your darkest hour
Because you got a Friend...

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