Monday, July 27, 2015

A Spiritual High

Hello everyone! Good to see that you are up and about your day. Me? I am slowly making my way through the day as well. I have already begun my day with prayer (BYDWP). I fixed a quick breakfast, planned in my mind what I am going to fix for supper, decided how far I would like to get on my latest poetry book and am posting in my blog to you. Oh, I forgot to mention doing several loads of laundry and  the dishes. Whew! That makes me tired and I have barely begun. That being said (tee hee),  I must admit that I love being retired. I can do as I see fit and what I want. If you are retired, then you know what I mean, don't you?  If you are not, just keep plugging at it. Your day will come.

I mentioned being able to do as I see fit within reason, (all according to the LORD's will, that is) and I thought about the thing that gives me the most joy. Do you know what that is? Encouraging my fellowman. Yep, I get a thrill out of seeing lights come back on in the eyes of people who have long since given up, become hard-hearted and believe generally that "Life stinks." That gives me a natural high. It always has. I realize that this is one of the gifts that I have been given (the gift of being an encourager),  subsequently, I use it, to the glory of GOD, to help my fellowman.

Now enough about me, what about you? I want to ask you something. Do you remember the very first time that you prayed a prayer and, without a doubt, received an answer in the affirmative in response to it?! Remember how magical and joyous that moment felt? Remember the high, the rush that you got from that moment? Thereafter, when you prayed, you wished for and expected results just as quickly all of the time didn't you? And you became disappointed when it didn't happen as readily? Then someone, probably some older person told you that you ask in faith, but things are done by GOD's will and by GOD's time.

I remember going off  in a corner by myself to ponder over this new development and to figure this new information into the equation of life that I had just started solving. You know, I remember as if it were yesterday, and mind you there have been many yesterday's since then, but I remember thinking to myself, "Well, I will pray like everything depends on HIM and get up and work like everything depends on me. That is what I determined to do then and that is what I have been doing these many years of my life since. Yes, I managed to do that even during the "even though" times in my life. You know, what I am talking about, those times when you cannot get over one setback before you are hit with another. Yes, those times.  The times that I like to call the "Job times." ( see the book of Job in the Bible.) 

But getting back to my point, today I still get a spiritual high when I commune with HIM (pray). If you have been praying regularly, through the years, then you know what I am talking about, don't you? BUT, to those of you who don't know what I am talking about or have forgotten that joy, "I say give it a try!" You can rediscover the feeling or experience for the first time the joy of having GOD-stuff done in your life. You can experience that peace that surpasses all understanding. That GOD given high. 

You too can gain that spiritual high by being an encourager as you blaze trails for your fellowman or rediscover ones that you have forgotten. Well, that is my blog for the day. I hope that it has blessed your spirit, for it surely has mine!

Doing What I Can, While I Can,
Alma Jones

Aside: I never know how long a piece is going to be until I actually get to working on it. All I knew was that I wanted to do a piece on prayer! To GOD be the glory as I give you snippets of my life's story to help you along in yours. Be blessed!

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