Thursday, January 29, 2015

What A Difference A Day Makes

Yesterday morning, I was on top of the world! By the end of the day I had been plummeted into the valley.  But, I refused to stay there! I went right back to my morning prayer and meditation time and entertained one of my favorite scriptures. This is a scripture that I often turn to in adverse times  (Romans 8:28, "All things work together for good, for those that love the LORD.") That scripture generated the thought of one of my favorite songs, Bright Side. I belted out that song (hoarse voice and all), for about thirty minutes. I indulged in a warm scented bath at the same time. Well, by the time the bath ended, I was floating back among the clouds. I had refused to let "adverse circumstances" infuse  my faith with doubt.  I was able to say, with assurance, "THY will be done LORD; THY will be done."

Let me give you a brief synopsis of why I was plunged into the valley.  My daughter, who is adopted, (not that it matters) has Asperger's Syndrome. That, for those of you who are not familiar with it, is on the higher functioning end of autism. She is thirty five years old and we have had her since she was was 5 weeks old, so yes, we have learned quite a bit about autistic behavior.
       She had told me about  fourteen years ago that she wanted to get her own place, since her brother had his own place. I passed it off lightly, or so I thought.  Not so! That's one of the things about her form of autism, once something is imputed into her brain, it is there forever! She had gotten so insistent upon a place of her own, that I had had to tell her that she had to wait for the LORD.  I told her it was up to HIM. She was pretty much mollified by that with only an occasional outburst of anger and frustration about wanting to go to the group home.

We were, in the meantime, trying hard to find a place for her. We did find several places but all of them were too expensive (2,000 a month!) or something else just as outlandish, like putting her in an apartment all alone with no supervision. So when we were called by the state and told that they had found possible placement for her, we were ecstatic and so was she. She got to go to the facility for  one day and visit the day treatment program, and all that that particular program entails. Then we had to come back home while a committee met to determine whether she met their qualifications or not.  Well, yesterday, we were called and told that she was too smart for their program, eventhough she has an intellectual dysfunction.  I had the pleasure of settling that unwelcome news on her! She was not happy, nor was she amused.  She told me that she was alright with not getting to go, but oh boy me, when her daddy got home...! He caught it! She wanted to call everyone from Superman to the tooth fairy! I soothed her as best I could, hid my dismay at her reaction and launched into the song mentioned above. It worked folks! She became calm and I was quitened in my spirit.

When I got up this morning, I did my usual prayer meditation. Then I fixed homemade biscuits, bacon, marmalade, sausage and rice. Everybody had a biscuit sopping good time, licking fingers and the whole nine yards.
Well, now you know why I was taken from the top of the mountain to the valley and back again...
I'd say that treatise on storms we did, stood me in good stead wouldn't you? I hope that it stands you in good stead as well, should you ever need it!
And always remember, to be still.
Wait on the LORD.

Until we meet...

Doing What I Can, While I Can

My latest book, A Suspenseful Paranormal Event, is available on, Barnes and Noble, and

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