Sunday, January 18, 2015

Told You So!

A gracious good morning to all!
How are you beginning your day?(HAYBYD)
I'm up with the chickens, if we had some(lol), and I am fixing Sunday morning breakfast for my family. As I told you before, when I am in my kitchen, I feel like Susie Homemaker. Not that I'm that good, mind you, it's just that it fulfills a need that I have to serve, to nurture and to, at times, be creative. I simply love it! :)

Now, on to the business at hand, not one to say, "I told you so", unless it reiterates the positive, but Told you so! Those of you who persevered through your storm with prayer and a strong determination, how blessed, relieved and thankful you must feel! Just remember to keep (BYDWP!) beginning your day with prayer. You can never be too thankful!  Then next time you are in a storm, you "won't have to go looking for HIM!" Why?! Well, because, you have already sought HIM out and cultivated a friendship with HIM! So, HE'll be already there! Isn't that a wonderful feeling?... I know dear; I know! Also, don't forget to show your gratitude by sharing your story with someone else. You bring HIM glory when you do that, and as I have said before, HE likes that. (Jeremiah 9:24) Okay?

Now, to my dear readers who are still battling your storm, keep believing, keep praying and keep waiting! This storm or series of storms too, shall pass. And when you see the sun beginning to peek through the cloud, you too can sing in the words of a favorite song of mine, The storm is passing over and I can feel the peace, down in my soul!

Some Storms are of short duration and some last for a good while, but you know what is so sweet about having an intimate relationship with HIM, HE sends tiny blessings as reminders of HIS love at the lowest points in our storms. Ya know? So, to help you through your storm, sing this snippet of a song, "There's a sweet relief in knowing oh-h-h! The LORD will make a way somehow!" If I could or knew how right now, I would sing that little snippet of a song for you. No, not that I am a great songbird, but just that I am a willing servant. If I am ever blessed to speak in your area, then I will do that snippet for you, okay? Well, gotta get a move on...


Until we meet...
Doing What I Can, While I Can

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