Saturday, September 23, 2017

Kept for Keeping On

Good morning to each of you. I have a rather full day today, so I am writing a brief but thought-provoking poem for you. Enjoy and grow dendrites in the process!

He kept me
So, I'll keep keeping on
He never left me
So that, by example
I could show strength
To my fellowman and
Say without words, "I am not alone."
I am supported by the Power
Of heaven's Throne.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,
A Little Ole Nobody from TN
Alma L. Stepping On Jones

Poetry Pondering and Points

  1. Define dendrites.
  2. Explain each line of the poem using a complete sentence for each line. Then tie it all together in a neat little paragraph.
  3. What can be surmised about the speaker in the poem?
  4. Give the poem an appropriate title.
Now, I am off to prepare breakfast and attend the Ladies Day at the Sitka Church of Christ in Milan.

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