Saturday, March 25, 2017


Good morning, all. Never forget your morning Prayer and meditation. Your day will just go better. Enjoy the poem for He placed it deep within my soul. 

Everywhere I Go

I know that He is everywhere 
So why, when I am moved, should I despair 
Nope, I will just get my praise on there.

If He places me on the top of a hill
I'll use that position to talk of Him still
If He places me in the valley low
I'll talk about Him from down below.

If He placed me on the rocky mountain side
Folk will say, "She talked about Him though she cried"
And when He sheltered me under His wing
I would start to hum and then to sing
My God is my everything.

When He gathers me in His arms
And dries my tears away, I'll say
"Hey y'all I am home and this
Time I get to stay
For my God won the battle
At the end of the day!"

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,
Alma L. Stepping On Jones

Blog P. S. - Let us always work to be in readiness by showing love.

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