Sunday, October 9, 2016

A Son in Trouble (cont.)

Good morning, all! I seem to be busier than ever, but still, I manage to get things done. I have found that I have to keep things on an agenda now, so as to be sure that I get all done in a day that I want to accomplish. tee hee But, I love every minute of it. This writing, this writing, oh how I love it. Thanking you Lord for gifting me with such!

You know, on yesterday I had the thought that I needed to do a chapbook for kids, probably of the preteen age. So, that is heavy on my heart and since I have a number of poems already done and labeled for preteens and teens, my next chapbook will be for this age group. I think that it will be available before Christmas. We shall see...

Now, about the question raised on Friday's blog, here is a possible answer. You can let me know what you come up with, okay? I know; I know; I have to repeat the question for you. tee hee No problem, I usually do, don't I?

  1. Can you imagine a scenario that would encompass the phrase, wired up and the title of today's blog, too? (Blog was entitled, "Back Off" Electric Current, "Back Off!") Let's see what you can do with that assignment. "Is this a difficult task," you ask. And my answer to that is to say, "Not really, because I have given much harder tasks to you before. Yee-e-es, but while you complained, you rose to the occasion with extraordinary aptitude!"
Answer: You may remember the story that I told you once before about my having stuck a pin in a 110 voltage receptacle. Well, whether you remember or not, the fact remains that I did. I won't go into the particular harrowing details, let's just say that I have a healthy respect for electric sockets to this day. tee hee Yes, I can laugh about it now, but it was not funny then, let me tell you!

But you know; as I grow older and I look back on my life I find myself more and more wondering about certain facets of it. I often think about the day that I stuck that pin in that socket so hard that it became welded to the socket, blew fuses in the three apartments, fused the socket and wires leading to it into a molten mass within the pipe that carried the wires, fused it so hard that that section of pipe had to be cut out and capped off. Another receptacle had to be wired in, as that section of the kitchen, was unsuitable for a receptacle. The electrician who worked on the kitchen asked my Mom and then me if I wanted the section of pipe as a souvenir. I vehemently declared that I didn't ever want to see it again! (Of course, now you know that I wish that I had kept that section of pipe with the wires fused together. Just think what my writer's imagination would have come up with!)

This morning, and several mornings of late, I have thought about the Lord shutting down an entire apartment building and welding wires and pipes to save me, a reed-thin 60-pound slip of a little girl. Just think: the God Who made the wind stop blowing and commanded the waters to stay, that same God made electricity back off and protected me that day! And you know, me being the Bible reader that I am, I thought about the people in the Bible that the Lord had saved for various reasons. And yes, I have and do wonder what He saved me for. I figure that He saved me for a purpose. When I think about the strange things that have happened in my life, I realize that my life has been anything but ordinary. (You can find some of those things in the paranormal book I wrote, A Suspenseful Paranormal Event, which makes a great stocking stuffer for pre-teens and teens and some young adults. This book, by the way,  has been likened to R. L. Stines' goosebumps series by one bookstore owner.) But let me get back to making my point, which is that I don't know what He had in mind for me but I do know that there is a definite purpose for my still gracing this time side of life. So, when I had a mother to reach out to me from the other side of the world to ask me to help her child with a word or two, I jumped to the task. Since I have worked with children so long in my life, I figured that this was destined to be. And as far as the writing, I have been doing that since I was in the third grade. I used to enthrall my friends with some of the stories that I would write. 
...Yes the Lord is using me y'all and I am glad about it. I just want to do a good job and hear Him say to me one day, "Well done, Alma my servant, well done!" That will be enough for me and I will sing, and sing and sing and celebrate with the angels and my relatives and my friends that have all gone on. But, until that time, I, Grammy Alma, will be living out my life's motto of  Doing What I Can, While I Can.

Folks, sometimes I write something that moves me way down deep in my soul. This piece has done just that for me today and may it bless you, as well.

Be blessed and attend worship today. 

Compiling the chapbook for children as we speak.

Here is an additional portion that I added to the poem that I did for the son at the request of his mother: 
Maybe this poem is not at all about you
Maybe all you have to do is do your
Homework and make good grades
Thereby making your Momma's heart soar
With pride in the caring son that she
Has managed to raise by herself and
Who she can look forward to becoming
A solid citizen and a responsible man.

So, son does any of this poem sound at 
All like you
Well, if it does, then start studying and 
Bringing your work home so that you
Will make better grades and not be the
Kind of son who makes his Momma worry 
About his future and what he might become 
Make her proud, Wentz of the fact that
She is your Mom.

Are you good at sports, if you are that's great
But even sports superstars have to be 
Educated and know certain things about 
Business and living
Because you don't want to have to depend
On somebody else to take care of your 
Business, do you
You get your education and do it well and
THEN and only then, will you be on the right 
Track of becoming a well-rounded man!

Sending my love and concern to you today
All the way
From the U.S.A.
   -Grammy Alma

"Use me Lord, for I Grammy Alma, remain your humble servant."

Upcoming Events

Inspirational Speaker for Ladies Day – Church of Christ at Thirteenth and Lee, Mayfield, KY, October 15, 2016, 10 am. Copies of my book W.O.W. created w.o.w. will be available, also.

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