Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Lovingkindness Expounded Upon Just a Tad

Good morning, everyone. How are you this morning? I trust that you are faring well. Always remember to trust the Lord and to always begin your day with prayer, because His lovingkindness never goes away, okay?

 The statement made above is a premise that has served me well in my lifetime. It has carried me on days when I could not propel myself forward because my burden was so heavy.You can look below in the poetry section for the acrostic poem that I shared on yesterday that I will be referencing in this portion of today's blog. (Though I only expounded upon four letters of the word lovingkindness in my blog today, I did include the entire poem for your reference.) The poem written directly below is but a portion of what the lovingkindness of God means to me.

When I think about HIS goodness
The waters of HIS love caress my soul
And permeate my senses with the ripples thereof
As tiny waves of contentment and trust
 Scamper like ocean waves onto the seashore
And rush back to Father of Waters again and again.

That verse of the above poem and the one mentioned below support the late arrival of an instant message that I received only this morning. First, I want you to read the message, okay? Then I will explain my take on the message and why it had such a profound impact on me this morning. Here is the message:

  • I am not sure if you will remember me, but I was in your class in Elementary School. I also had you in class your first year in 6th grade. I was so excited when you came to 6th grade because that meant I had you for another year. My last name was C****** in school. I saw your picture on here and cried. You will never know how much of an impact you made on my life. When anyone asks me about when I was in school your name always comes out of my mouth. You were a blessing from God!! I am who I am today because of God, my parents, and two wonderful teachers!! You and Mrs. B****. God knew what he was doing when he put both of y'all as teachers because the two of you loved each of y'all's kids and it was ALWAYS felt in y'all's class. When I was in High School Mrs. B**** would always say I would work for Weakley County Schools one day. She was right, I have been working in SpEd for 8 years now and love it. I work at MES as an EA. Sorry to bother you; I just had to tell you THANK YOU for loving me in school!! I pray life has been good to you. Love you, L****.
That message had been languishing in my message request folder since 2014! Why did I leave it there so long? Simple. I did not know that it was sent to me because I did not know that there was such a thing as a message sent tab until my finger accidently hit the People button this morning. When I did, up popped a long list of message requests that had been sent to me. You can imagine my surprise! I quickly answered the ones that were viable and explained that I, in my ignorance of technology, did not even know that they had been sent. I did explain about the people button,   etc. I received responses back and was thankful for their understanding. I got several lessons from the message that a former student of mine sent me. Here are the lessons that I received this morning:

  1. My first lesson was that when I looked at the letter "G" of the poem, I was reminded of a scripture that I often quote, which is, Romans 8:28 that says, "All things work together for good for those that love the Lord." I will explain that in point four in this section today.
  2. When I looked at the letter "V" in the poem, I was reminded that the Lord does value me because He allowed that message to be stored in my message request folder for two years! He  waited until I needed such a message and then He had my fingers to accidentally hit that people button. No, don't get happy now; I am not finished explaining my blessing lessons to you. Whew! He is good to us; isn't He?
  3. When I looked at the letter "K" in the poem I was reminded that He knows all and sees all. In other words, there are no surprises creeping up on Him. Surprises might creep up on you and me, but not God! You know that I have often told you before that He looks way down the road and always has things in readiness for us. Isn't it nice to know that He has our backs? But we can't rejoice yet because I am not through telling you my blessing lessons, yet.
  4. When I look at the letter "S" in the poem I find the word Savior and that causes me to rejoice! He didn't stop loving me when He sent His son to redeem me from my sin. He didn't do like we do sometimes, start something and let it fizzle out half done. Because He is faithful, He keeps His word and has, not only made plans for us to come home to Him, but He is sticking around to make sure that we make it if we trust Him and try! Hallelujah, folks! Now we can shout and rejoice and give Him some praise! Now you know what that poem above meant when it says that His love covers me like the waves ripple along the seashore. Woo! I feel a song coming on! Going back to point one, He takes situations and, because He is always on the job, works them out for us.
  5. And my last blessing lesson that I received the message from my former student today is to remember that "What we sow, we will reap." You see I planted those seeds of love a long time ago and today the harvest was brought in to me. Why today? The Lord knew that I needed just that blessing lesson today!
I hope that I have blessed you in today's blog.



Seeds that are sown often come back in blessing lessons that serve to sustain our walk.

Upcoming Events
Multi-County Book Signing, Crittenden County Library, Marion, KY, September 17, 10-1 
A quick update for you. Did you know that all of the authors at the Book Signing on Saturday will engage the audience one-on-one in a brief discussion about their writing/life and entertain questions as such? Yes, you heard me correctly; so if you have always wanted to chat with certain authors, here is your chance.

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