Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A Blessing - Another Lesson

Hello everybody. Good day to you! No, I have not been lazing around this morning. I have been up since five working on various projects, my face book page, a poem to encourage a friend, my Twitter page all while wrapping my brain around which way I would present Gina to you today. Hope your day is off to a good start; mine is! Can I say this to you? Jesus is my Friend and I'm so glad about it!
If you know Him, then you know the joy I feel in being His. If you don't know Him, it is my sincere wish that you do get to know Him so that you too, can realize the protective bountiful love that He has for mankind. He does have it, you know; how do I know? He died for us didn't He... Well, He did! (Smile)

Gina kept wondering all through the rest of the evening and through the next day and through Monday at school how her prayer would be answered or if it even would. By the time she got home from school that Monday, Gina was practically running. When she got home, things were just the same. Nothing had changed. Gina was a little disappointed. She was fussing at herself for thinking things were going to change for her just as rapidly like they did for Jack  in the beanstalk story. As she got the potatoes out to peel, she shame-facedly remembered how she had been grinning at all of the people at church yesterday. She had thought that since she had prayed to Jesus that she would get her answer through them. Not! She put some lard in the frying pan for the potatoes. Then she cut some fat back meat up and put it on to boil so that it would have most of the salt cooked out of it. Then she would fry it. She could hardly wait for the crunch of the rind as she savored the remembered taste of the fat back.
Gina sighed as she got the potatoes peeled and had just put them in the pan to rinse them when somebody knocked at the front door. Gina dried her hands and went to answer. It was a man in a broken down-looking pickup truck. (To be cont.)

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