Friday, October 6, 2017

Finishing Touches

Good morning! Hope that you are faring well. I have not had my spot of tea but will enjoy something warm and soothing after I finish posting this blog for you.
     I wanted to talk to you about yesterday's blog post. Did you notice the extra spaces between the lines in one of the verses of the poem that I did for you on yesterday? You did? Well, good! It means that you have grasped the way that I do things. As I have told you before, I like to make you think. So, if you noticed the spaces, then you gave it some thought as to whether or not it was intentional or if it were just a typographical error. Good for you. Will get back to you in a moment. Just hold on. Let me catch the others up to where we are since they have not yet learned to think as deeply as some of you.
      If you saw the spaces between the lines in the one verse of yesterday's poem and thought nothing about it, then think again. Most of the time that I leave what seems to be deliberate spacing, I do it with a purpose in mind. What I would like for you to do, is always try to figure out what I am trying to get you to see. If there are questions that you have regarding a blog piece, then ask me. I am always available to answer any questions that you might have regarding my pieces.
     Now, back to where we were. Usually, I repost a blog if I am going to refer back to it, and I will do that for you again, today. But I do want you to get in the habit of asking questions in your mind, at least, about what my purpose could possibly have been for doing a given thing on a given day. Here is a portion of yesterday's blog filled in with the obvious questions that should have come up in your mind. Say what? Oh, so I am starting to make your head hurt, am I? Well, take a Tylenol or whatever it is that you usually take for a headache and enjoy the fact that you, my friend are growing dendrites, all because of a blog piece of mine. Yes, you are developing thinking power or redeveloping it. (Tee hee) I do so love hearing about or imagining your moments of illumination when you grasp a point that I have been laboring to make. Enough talking, here is the piece with highlighted explanations:

Such is not too much
When the God is in the equation
Such is not too much
Under His masterful touch.

Grass grows under some tough conditions
Who would even think that grass can grow under such conditions? Yet it does!
Flowers bloom in the harshest landscapes
No harsh conditions can override the will of GOD. With HIM, all things are possible.


Life exists where no life should possibly be

photo of ice worms and a penny to show scale
Not possible? That is what your limitation as a man/woman thinks. Yet, these ice worms live and thrive on and in glaciers. Only with the LORD.
So goes the life of you and me
It's just too much
I cannot thrive under the likes of such
Nonsense! Yes, you can, too. He is putting the finishing touches in your life. He is rounding out some rough edges. He has a special job for you to do and He knows the strength and the tenderness of character that it will take to get the job done. He has His hands on you so you will be okay, but you will be a stronger warrior capable of withstanding an onslaught that would fell a lesser man (woman). You are being prepped by GOD. Wow! That is amazing when you think about it. Yes, folks, I have my moments of illumination and epiphany, too. You have just experienced one such moment of mine.

For harsh conditions make a survivor
Into a seasoned and true warrior
Oh brother, oh sister, don't you see
It's not over until God says it's over
When the stormy trials are past
Such a soldier, you will be
With muscles of strong faith, at last.

Move soldier, you are the leader of a phalanx
You are battle-hardened and made ready by 
Your God engineered climb up through the ranks.

Points for Pondering (answers highlighted in yellow)
  1. According to today's blog, is the word, "such" a qualitative word? How so, if it is and why not if it isn't? Yes, it is qualitative because it suggests a degree to which something is done or has occurred. Case in Point - It would seem to the ordinary mind that conditions are just not possible or ripe for the little blade of grass to grow up through an asphalt jungle. Yet, it does grow and thrive. The GOD of heaven is keeping it alive.  Same thing with the ice worms that live in and on a glacier. Life is just not possible, according to our limited way of thinking. But we must remember we serve a limitless GOD, WHO does HIS best work under the theme of impossible.
  2. What message is being sent through today's poem? Substantiate. The message that is being sent through today's poem is that no matter how hard, no matter how hopeless, etc. a situation may seem, HE is working HIS plan for your life.  As long as you keep holding to HIS hand and asking for strength of faith and as long as you keep reaffirming that faith, GOD will bring you through. That means that through the darkest times, you hold on. HE will make your days sunny again and remember this. When you lose something that you think you cannot live without, He can give you something that you never dreamed of having. It may be that your time in the oven or furnace of preparation is over and as the cook would say, "You are done now; you are ready, soldier."
Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,
Alma L. Stepping On Jones

Not only can you make it through difficult circumstances, you can thrive.  Just keep the Lord by sour side.

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